Artists Way
Page Last Updated: 02.07.19
Artists Way
Date(s) & Times
Thursday 30th May 2019 – Walled Kitchen Garden (Meet outside of the Garden Tea House at 10:30am)
Thursday 27th June 2019 – Classified: Operation Clumber Park (Meet outside of the Main Cafe at 10:30am)
Thursday 25th July 2019 – Ornamental Bridge/Pleasure Grounds/Lincoln Terrace (Meet outside of the Main Cafe at 10:30am)
Thursday 15th August 2019 – Ornamental Bridge/Pleasure Grounds/Lincoln Terrace (Meet outside of the Main Cafe at 10:30am)
Thursday 19th September 2019 – Ornamental Bridge/Pleasure Grounds (Meet outside of the Main Cafe at 10:30am)
Thursday 24th October 2019 – Hardwick Village (Meet at The Broom Wagon/Hardwick Facilities at 10:30am)
Thursday 21st November 2019 – Chapel (Pencils and Paper only!) (Meet outside of the Main Cafe at 10:30am)
Class/Course Details
Artist’s Way creates links between the artistic community and Clumber Park, by providing participants with the support of a local artist and maps of our beautiful park to allow access to our best and most inspirational places. It is an expanding project that will cover the different seasons, and a wide variety of accessible and more adventurous locations in which artists can capture the spirit of Clumber Park.
Artist’s Way allows visiting artists to explore the best and most inspirational views the Park has to offer with this handy guide and open sessions. The idea was the brainchild of Martin Edwardson, a local artist and frequent Clumber Park visitor.
The sessions are open to everyone, regardless of age or ability! Children and young people under the age of 18 must be supervised by an adult at all times. The sessions are free of charge but normal park admission charges apply.
Further Details
What do people need to participate?
Individuals will need to supply their own equipment; you do not have to be a professional and can start with basic pencils and a sketch pad. Martin is very happy to advise on additional equipment you can purchase should you wish to do so in the future.
We advise that participants bring their own camp chairs, stools and easels, as these will not be provided by NT and it will be expected that participants will take responsibility for the set up and down of their own equipment.
Is the activity supported and safe?
We are working closely with the group to ensure that all sessions are well planned and that locations and landscapes are safe and accessible. Please note that we have limited phone signal and Wi-Fi across the park but Martin or a group supervisor will carry a radio at all times to liaise with NT staff at all times.
We ask all participants to actively remain safe and to risk assess their own actions at all times. Please be mindful of other visitors and their experience; please ensure that you do not pose a risk or block access to the park for all. If individuals wish to continue to sketch beyond 2pm, unsupervised and outside of the session time, this will be done so at the individuals own discretion and risk.
Will I make new friends?
Yes – we encourage participants to talk about the sessions and share their work. There will be an informal opportunity at the end of every session (2pm) to join Martin and other participants in the café for an informal chat and to plan future sessions!
What do I do if I want further information?
There are further details on future session dates and locations on our dedicated webpage:
You are also welcome to contact Claire Sarris, Volunteering and Community Involvement on 01909 511081 or at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.