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Ryton Chorale presents Summer Voices and Instruments
Saturday, 13 July 2024,  7.30pm -  9.00pm
RC Summer Concert 2407.jpg


Retford Town Hall
17 The Square,
DN22 6DE

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Ryton Chorale presents Summer Voices and Instruments

A concert Ryton Chorale and Retford U3A Recorder Ensemble

The programme includes: 

From the Bavarian Highands - Edward Elgar,

English and European Madrigals - Edward Elgar, English and European Madrigals

Ryton Chorale
Conductor Sierra Farquar-Wulff
Accompanist Jack Pickford

Retford U3A Recorder Ensemble

Conductor    Carol Woodward
Soloist          Caroline Horne

on Saturday July 13th at 7:30pm
at Retford Town Hall, 17 The Square, Retford, DN22 6DB

Tickets £12 Accompanied children under 16 free of charge

Ryton Chorale presents Summer Voices and Instruments

A concert Ryton Chorale and Retford U3A Recorder Ensemble

The programme includes: 

From the Bavarian Highands - Edward Elgar,

English and European Madrigals - Edward Elgar, English and European Madrigals

Ryton Chorale
Conductor Sierra Farquar-Wulff
Accompanist Jack Pickford

Retford U3A Recorder Ensemble

Conductor    Carol Woodward
Soloist          Caroline Horne

on Saturday July 13th at 7:30pm
at Retford Town Hall, 17 The Square, Retford, DN22 6DB

Tickets £12 Accompanied children under 16 free of charge

RC Summer Concert 2407.jpg


Retford Town Hall
17 The Square,
DN22 6DE

Ticket Sales




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