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Pause to Connect: Creative and Sensory Time Out
Wednesday, 29 January 2025,  1.45pm -  3.00pm
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Retford Library
DN22 6PE

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Free event

Take time to be still, notice your senses and respond with creative actions. Not an art class, but a chance to explore our place in nature.

As part of Retford Library's Places to Connect programme, funded by Libraries Connected and Natural England, we invite you to pause and consider the world around you.

Through silence, our senses and sharing our thoughts we will take a closer look at the wonders of nature. We will respond by working creatively on a directed activity, focussing on actions more than outcomes. Using accessible artistic techniques, we will use nature as our inspiration.

Wednesday 29th January, 1:45-3:00pm.

Further Pauses to Connect will take place on Wednesday 26th February and Wednesday 19th March.

  • We aim to create an open and non-judgemental atmosphere, in which everyone can feel safe to experiment with the creative activity. All skills and abilities welcome.
  • The process is more important than the creation so you may not go home with a work of art.
  • Hot drinks will be provided with donations gratefully received.
  • Limited to 12 participants. Suitable for adults only.

Places limited to a total of 12. It is important that you let us know if you will be unable to attend, so that we can offer available spaces to others on the waiting list. Please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Free event

Take time to be still, notice your senses and respond with creative actions. Not an art class, but a chance to explore our place in nature.

As part of Retford Library's Places to Connect programme, funded by Libraries Connected and Natural England, we invite you to pause and consider the world around you.

Through silence, our senses and sharing our thoughts we will take a closer look at the wonders of nature. We will respond by working creatively on a directed activity, focussing on actions more than outcomes. Using accessible artistic techniques, we will use nature as our inspiration.

Wednesday 29th January, 1:45-3:00pm.

Further Pauses to Connect will take place on Wednesday 26th February and Wednesday 19th March.

  • We aim to create an open and non-judgemental atmosphere, in which everyone can feel safe to experiment with the creative activity. All skills and abilities welcome.
  • The process is more important than the creation so you may not go home with a work of art.
  • Hot drinks will be provided with donations gratefully received.
  • Limited to 12 participants. Suitable for adults only.

Places limited to a total of 12. It is important that you let us know if you will be unable to attend, so that we can offer available spaces to others on the waiting list. Please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Places to Connect tile.png


Retford Library
DN22 6PE





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