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Thursday, 25 July 2024,  6.30pm -  9.30pm
Ladies Night Poster Jul 24.jpg


Aurora Wellbeing Centre, Worksop
Old Library Building, Memorial Avenue
S80 2BJ

Contact Us

Dawn Short

Join us in the Old Library Building for a social evening of fun, eating, shopping and beauty. Pimms aand canapes on arrival. Entertainment throughout the evening by local singer Annie Fotheringham. Over 20 craft stalls selling unqique gifts. Hand massage. A light buffet is included in the price but drinks and cakes are available in Valerie's Tearooms at an extra cost. Impromptu fashion show, showcasing the good quality high end clothes available to buy in our in-house charity shop. All this for £15 per person. Booking is essential.

Join us in the Old Library Building for a social evening of fun, eating, shopping and beauty. Pimms aand canapes on arrival. Entertainment throughout the evening by local singer Annie Fotheringham. Over 20 craft stalls selling unqique gifts. Hand massage. A light buffet is included in the price but drinks and cakes are available in Valerie's Tearooms at an extra cost. Impromptu fashion show, showcasing the good quality high end clothes available to buy in our in-house charity shop. All this for £15 per person. Booking is essential.

Ladies Night Poster Jul 24.jpg


Aurora Wellbeing Centre, Worksop
Old Library Building, Memorial Avenue
S80 2BJ

Dawn Short




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