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Skills & Support for your Business in this Digital Age

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We all want to make our businesses the best they can be but do you sometimes find it challenging to keep your business up-to-date with the latest in digital marketing and technology and to take advantage of all the benefits they offer?

Fortunately practical help in the way of high quality training and support is at hand for businesses in Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire and, incredibly, it is free!



The East Midlands Chamber, through its excellent eBusiness Club, in partnership with Nottinghamshire & Derbyshire County Councils is delivering a massive program of support, advice, information, training and grant funding for SMEs across our region. The programme is also part funded by the European Regional Development Fund and funding has been secured to run the programme to at least 2019.

The D2N2 Digital Growth Programme is open and free to thousands of businesses in Notts and Derbys. Check the eBusiness Club website here to see if your business is eligible.

The free Workshops will provide SME’s with digital marketing and technology information, knowledge and skills, and cover an extensive range of subjects from Social Media Marketing, eCommerce and Email Marketing to wider information technology areas such as Cloud Computing to Cyber Resilience and International Marketing. See the full list here.

Members of the programme have free access to Digital Skills Advisers who are there to guide members as to which workshops would benefit their business and to give support and advice and assist in the grant funding process.

Generous grant funding is available through the D2N2 Digital Growth Programme. Its aim is to help businesses make best use of their existing technology or to help introduce new systems and software to improve their performance.

As well as access to these 3 main area of support – Workshops, Digital Skills Advice and Grant Funding, there are additional benefits in joining the programme too:

  • awareness-raising seminars to keep you up-to-date with the latest information
  • annual East Midlands Online Marketing & Technology Expo, and
  • a brilliant support team to help you gain the maximum benefits from the D2N2 digital growth programme.

Visit the eBusiness Club website to discover the fantastic opportunities available to businesses in Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire today!


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