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More Than a Makeover for Retford Library

Categories // Business, General, Hobbies & Leisure, Community, Entertainment & Arts, All Blog Items

More Than a Makeover for Retford Library

Retford Library closes its doors at 4pm on Saturday 7 December until Spring 2020 for an exciting and extensive refurbishment project which will improve its facilities and layout and make the library more visible and accessible to everyone.

The refurbishment will create a high quality and sustainable library building whilst still reflecting the building’s heritage.


Skills & Support for your Business in this Digital Age

Categories // Business, General, All Blog Items

Skills & Support for your Business in this Digital Age

We all want to make our businesses the best they can be but do you sometimes find it challenging to keep your business up-to-date with the latest in digital marketing and technology and to take advantage of all the benefits they offer?

Fortunately practical help in the way of high quality training and support is at hand for businesses in Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire and, incredibly, it is free!

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